Thursday, July 28, 2011

College budget cuts go outside the box - Oliver St. John, Tuscon Citizen

When students and professors return to budget-slashing colleges this fall, they might notice things missing. Among the more creative college cutbacks:

•Dumping trash pickup. Profs at University of Colorado-Boulder have to take their trash with them when they leave. “It was not all that popular a decision,” says spokesman Bronson Hilliard.
•Cutting phone lines. At Texas Tech in Lubbock, English profs have had office lines cut. “I’m on a department phone now, but I use my cellphone 99% of the time,” President Guy Bailey says.
•No more free printing. At Montgomery College in Rockville, Md., free printing for students is out, spokeswoman Elizabeth Homan says.
•Selling school vehicles.University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire has sold its fleet of vans for field trips and athletic events.
•Draining the pool. Eastern Oregon University has drained its indoor pool. “It cost too much to maintain,” provost Steve Adkison says