Monday, August 20, 2012

UNO makes largest budget cut in its history - Kenneth Cooper, the Examiner

The University of New Orleans (UNO) is making history, just not in the way it wanted. Yesterday via email, UNO president Peter Fos announced that the university would be cutting $12 million out of its $111 million budget, starting this fiscal year. “These [cuts],” Fos said, “represent the most significant budget cuts in the history of our institution.” The recession is mostly to blame. Ever since the economy collapsed, state legislators and Governor Jindal have been slicing the state budget by the millions, despite help from the president’s stimulus package. According to Fos, UNO has taken a $28 million hit since January of 2009. This year alone, legislators cut UNO’s funding by $9.3 million. It also doesn’t help that enrollment is down and retirement costs for its employees are going up, according to Fos.