Thursday, December 20, 2012

Provost touts transparency of new budget model Lindsay France/University Photography Provost Kent Fuchs explains the new budget model at a public forum - Nancy Doolittle, Chronicle

Fuchs was quick to allay concerns that the new model would result in additional cuts to college and vice president budgets that start in July 2013. Instead, the allocations made and "taxes" levied against the colleges and units will initially mirror the budget totals the individual colleges would have had under the current model. The budget model is not meant to generate or deplete resources, he said; rather, it changes the processes by which resources and expenses are distributed across the university. Revenues are generated through undergraduate and graduate tuition and fees; philanthropy and gifts to the university (some of which are restricted by the donor to particular areas); payout on the university's endowment; funds from New York state; and indirect costs covered by external grants. Currently, these revenues are generated and distributed through several budget models, depending on college or unit. The new model will replace these, pooling some revenues and expenses centrally and redistributing them out to the colleges and units based on various metrics.