Friday, July 11, 2014

5 questions for the cross-examination of higher ed - Shirley Mullen, eCampus News

Higher education in 2014 is paying the price of having been a law unto itself for too long. Higher-education-costHigher education is in the dock in 2014. The questions are flying. Why does it cost so much? Why does it cost more each year? Why do so many students not finish? Why can’t they get good jobs? Why is it not equally accessible to all? Why is it not doing a better job training teachers for K-12? What do we have to show for the trillion dollars in student loan debt? Who will repay it? And why do some universities seem to be living in luxury on accumulated endowment while still charging exorbitant tuition? These are fair questions. Shame on higher education that we have not been more proactive in explaining ourselves.