Monday, August 25, 2014

MAC trustees approve curtailed budget - Kevin R. Jenkins, Daily Journal

In light of Gov. Jay Nixon’s withholding of education funding and with all eyes on next month’s veto session of the Missouri Legislature, Mineral Area College's board of trustees approved a curtailed budget and salary list for FY2015. In presenting the proposed budget at the board's Aug. 14 meeting, Dr. Steven Kurtz, MAC president, said the document included a number of necessary, but hopefully temporary, spending restrictions since the funds ultimately made available to the school still remains very much in the air. “Normally we approach the board before the beginning of the fiscal year and ask permission to approve expenditures knowing what our revenues are,” Kurtz said. “But in this case we’re more uncertain. The witholdings of $230,000 and a veto of $260,000 from equity funding has placed a strain on our budget.