Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Students protest university budget cuts in Costa Rica - La Prensa

Thousands of students staged a peaceful protest last Tuesday against the possible cuts to their university's budget now being debated in Congress. With music, dancing and banners reading "Public education is an investment, not an expense" and "Don't cut the future," students from all over the country demanded that Congress not trim their schools' budgets. The students marched down the main streets of San Jose, starting at the state University of Costa Rica and ending in front of the Legislative Assembly. "The budget should not be cut - just the opposite, it should be strengthened because the university is the motor of change and of social transformation in this country. It is a tool for upward mobility and for reducing unemployment and poverty," the president of the UCR Students Federation, Alejandro Madrigal, told Efe. http://www.laprensasa.com/309_america-in-english/2739688_students-protest-university-budget-cuts-in-costa-rica.html