Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Grappling with Irony: The Movement of Continuing Education Towards the Institutional Core - James Broomall, Evolllution

The movement of continuing education units to the core of research institutions has led to a fading of the unique elements that helped these divisions stand out in the first place. Continuing education in the American research university has evolved significantly over the past decade, and its current status is ironic. This essay will consider continuing education’s historic place in the university environment and the irony accompanying its current acceptance at the university core. Historically, continuing education has been viewed as “marginal” or the junior partner in the teaching, research and public service trinity. Attention to the “engaged university,” given impetus by the Kellogg Commission, has been sporadic. Today, the convergence of societal pressures for accessibility, affordability and cost-effectiveness along with demographic shifts and the essentiality of intellectual capital have moved continuing education at many research universities to center stage.