Friday, February 27, 2015

Gov. Rauner’s budget plan to cut $209 million in University of Illinois funding - Josh Winters, Daily Illini

Under the budget proposal, state funding for higher education would decline by 31.5 percent, just over $387 million. The University faces massive cuts in state appropriations under the governor’s budget, which will amount to nearly $209 million. “A budget cut of that magnitude would substantially harm our students and the people of Illinois by most severely impacting the University’s core education and research missions,” said President Robert Easter in a statement. “Between now and the end of the legislative session, the U of I will be in the Capitol to participate vigorously in this debate, stressing the twin aspects of prudent (and) responsible stewardship of public resources.” University Spokesman Tom Hardy said the University had originally been directed by the Illinois Board of Higher Education to prepare a budget scenario in which the University would reduce its budget by 20 percent. The cuts put forward by the governor, Hardy said, greatly exceed what the University expected, and could affect everything from student services to faculty salaries to class sizes.