Thursday, February 19, 2015

UW-Madison threatens layoffs while guaranteeing ‘living wage’ in budget battle - Watchdog

Here’s the University of Wisconsin-Madison Idea on how to deal with the massive layoffs administrators are threatening should Gov. Scott Walker’s two-year budget proposal come to pass: Last ones hired, first ones fired. UW Chancellor Rebecca Blank laid out the doomsday scenarios late Wednesday night for a packed audience of mostly third-shift university employees gathered for the first of Blank’s budget forums scheduled this week. It was standing-room only late Wednesday night for the first of University of Wisconsin-Madison Chancellor Rebecca Blank’s campus forums on the potential impacts of Gov. Scott Walker’s budget plan. Walker proposes trimming $300 million from the University of Wisconsin System budget. As the result of Walker’s proposal to trim $300 million from the University of Wisconsin System budget, Blank predicted layoffs in most operations campuswide.