Tuesday, March 31, 2015

LSU chief emerges as key voice against budget cuts - ELIZABETH CRISP, the Advocate

“Be annoying.” That’s the advice LSU President and Chancellor F. King Alexander has given to students who oppose what could become deep cuts to state higher education funding in the coming year. “Sometimes, you don’t have to be so polite. This is a time when you need to fight,” Alexander said. By all appearances, Alexander isn’t shying away from following his own advice. This week, Alexander will appear at the Baton Rouge Press Club on Monday and the Rotary Club on Wednesday. It’s the latest in his campaign against what could be a dramatic hit to higher education funding as the state grapples with a $1.6 billion funding shortfall. http://theadvocate.com/news/acadiana/11912296-123/lsu-chief-emerges-as-key