Monday, May 18, 2015

Community colleges try to lure Corinthian students - JODIE TILLMAN, OC Register

Five years ago, Nathan Hornes wrote off public community colleges after he saw a television advertisement for a for-profit school. California’s community colleges were staggering under the weight of recession-era budget cuts. As the for-profit schools opened campuses and invested in marketing campaigns, community colleges rationed courses and shut out students. Now, Hornes, 25, is carrying more than $60,000 in student debt and working at an Irvine burger restaurant. Everest’s parent company, Santa Ana-based Corinthian Colleges, has filed for bankruptcy. And California’s community colleges, whose state funding is on the rebound, are trying to win over many of those students who turned to Corinthian and other career schools out of frustration with an overwhelmed college system.