Saturday, August 1, 2015
Gov. Baker taking heat for some of his budget vetoes - STEVE LeBLANC, Associated Press
University of Massachusetts President Marty Meehan also said he was disappointed by a veto that reduced funding for the five-campus UMass system from the $531.8 million approved by a House-Senate conference committee to $526.6 million. Democrats were quick to tweak Baker on the timing of his trip to Colorado, coming right after the vetoes. “Instead of hobnobbing with Republican presidential candidates at an exclusive Colorado confab, Republican Baker should be in Massachusetts answering” for his cuts, said Massachusetts Democratic Party spokesman Pat Beaudry. Senate President Stanley Rosenberg was also less than thrilled. The Amherst Democrat put out a statement after Baker signed the budget saying he had serious concerns about many of the Baker’s vetoes, particularly related to education, where Baker trimmed programs ranging from early childhood to colleges and universities.