Tuesday, July 26, 2016

State budget cuts UNC funding, freezes tuition - COLE STANLEY AND JAMIE GWALTNEY, Daily Tarheel

The state budget, passed on July 14, included changes impacting the UNC system. Policy in the budget created an in-state tuition freeze for all schools in the system, creating a guaranteed amount for all four years. The budget also instituted a three percent cap on student fees. By requiring the UNC system to re-report its expenditures, the legislature was able to use a mechanism called flexibility cuts to re-appropriate almost one billion dollars less than the UNC system previously received. “What that means in practice is that each agency, in this case the University, gives an expense report to the state, their needs are re-evaluated and then the money is appropriated back out. It’s not a bad system when it’s done responsibly,” said N.C. Congressperson Verla Insko, D-Orange. “The problem here is that they have gone too far — they haven’t stopped at being fiscally responsible, they’ve depleted the revenue stream while at the same time determining that the (University) system doesn’t need as much money as it’s been getting.” http://www.dailytarheel.com/article/2016/07/state-budget-cuts-unc-funding-freezes-tuition