Sunday, September 18, 2016

SIU enrollment at lowest point since 1965, data shows - Bill Lukitsch, Daily Egyptian

Fewer than 16,000 students are currently enrolled in undergraduate and graduate programs this year, according to the university’s 10-day enrollment figures. That marks a 7.6 percent decrease from the previous year, as campus enrollment continues its steady downward trend that has, at best, stagnated or seen slight increases over the past 20 years.Southeast Missouri State University reported an increase of nearly 50 percent of Illinois students compared to last year. At the same time, Murray State University is reporting a 40 percent increase of Illinois students. Interim Chancellor Brad Colwell said he is asking the college deans to take a “hard look” at programs with input from the university’s academic prioritization committee to make sure to programs the university is offering are “the right ones.” He added the university may have to re-examine its current model of being “all things to all people” and may in the near future reduce the majors offered to students.