Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Louisiana Legislature adjourns special session early, doing nothing to fix budget crisis - Julia O'Donoghue.The Times-Picayune

The failure of this first special session casts doubt on whether the House will even attempt to pass a budget during its regular session, as would be expected. Barras said it would be "premature" for the House to put together a state budget bill for consideration before a second special session where they hope to raise taxes. That means funding for a variety of state services will be much more uncertain than it is in typical budget years. The governor said that uncertainty about government services and the state budget should be blamed on the Republicans, especially Barras. "You know we have high school seniors right now debating where they are going to go to college next year. They don't know -- they can't know -- what portion of the TOPS might be funded," Edwards said. "Unfortunately because of some obstructionists in the House, the Legislature has failed those students."