Monday, February 18, 2019

Unfulfilled Projections Cause $11M Shortfall in NAU's Budget - US News

Northern Arizona University missed its target enrollment by at least 800 tuition-paying students this year, resulting in $10 million in lost tuition and fees that have already been allocated. School officials say student tuition and fees, which comprise 40 percent of NAU's revenue, suffered this year due to a drop in both enrollment and retention, reported the Arizona Daily Sun. The newspaper reports that departments across the university must return $11 million in funds before June to avoid ending the fiscal year with a deficit. Bjorn Flugstad, vice president for the university budget office, said in a statement that he and members of the executive team have been visiting departments "to determine what non-personnel monies could be spared, what plans and programs we can hold off on and what funds are not yet encumbered."