Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Faculty Troubled by University’s Decision to Cut Retirement Contributions - SAMANTHA MATTHEWS and NICOLE PERKINS, the Observer

 In the past, Fordham has regularly contributed to faculty and administration retirement funds. Bob Howe, assistant vice president for communications and special advisor to the president, wrote that the university contributed around $20 million each year for Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 and FY 2019. He also stated the university’s contribution was determined by length of employment and union contracts. However, the university announced in an Oct. 28 email that it would be suspending retirement contributions for the foreseeable future. In the email, University President Rev. Joseph M. McShane, S.J., and Chair of the Fordham Board of Trustees Robert Daleo stated that this suspension would be “effective for the November 6, 2020 payroll and extending through June 30, 2021.” 
