Monday, July 26, 2021

UNC System refocusing on adult learning opportunities - Watauga Democrat

University of North Carolina System President Peter Hanz stated in a June 3 newsletter that he has “been thinking a lot about what the future holds for adult learners.” “A lot more people are going to need a second chance at higher education, the opportunity for a meaningful college experience in the middle of their lives and careers instead of at the beginning,” Hans stated. “And we need a new, expanded vision of who our colleges and universities are meant to serve.” According to Hans, more than 60,000 non-traditional students in North Carolina are taking classes from out-of-state providers, mostly online. “In the months ahead, we’re going to make a significant effort to turn this vision into a reality — to translate the extraordinary value of a UNC System education into a form that working adults can access,” Hans stated in the newsletter.