Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Covid long-haulers face new challenges as they head to college. Universities are listening. - Safia Samee Ali, NBC News

As long-term Covid continues to linger in thousands, young people suffering from its residual effects will undoubtedly return to schools and colleges needing more support and accommodation, but with disability infrastructure being underfunded and not widely understood in many colleges, schools will need to re-examine systems they have in place for these students, disability experts said. President Joe Biden announced in July that serious long-term Covid cases could qualify as a disability, making federal protections and resources available to those people. The Health and Human Services Department, the Justice Department and the Labor Department released guidelines to help individuals experiencing effects of long-term Covid navigate federal benefits, saying "individualized assessment is necessary to determine whether a person’s long Covid condition or any of its symptoms substantially limits a major life activity."