Monday, December 19, 2022

Do Gov IT Workers Still Need a Four-Year Degree? - Noelle Knell, GovTech

In the last several years, government has started to reckon with some related legacy business processes: job descriptions that require expensive four-year degrees that are unattainable to large segments of the population and years of experience that even those who do get those degrees don’t yet have. IT shops are reviewing things like job classifications that are a relic of another time. Government is purging position descriptions that list requirements for outdated skills and use archaic terms to denote certain technical jobs. Illinois Secretary of the Department of Innovation and Technology and CIO Jennifer Ricker is one among many state CIOs prioritizing creative approaches to filling the talent pipeline. The state is building more flexibility into its hiring practices, such as adding new entry-level titles where new staff can train on the job, “creating many pathways in.”