Sunday, April 1, 2012

UNI Budget Cuts to Impact Enrollment? - Jill Kasparie, KCRG

University of Northern Iowa students are still reeling over the decision to cut several academic programs. Some foreign language programs and others with low graduation rates will no longer be an option for students. On Wednesday, the Board of Regents officially approved the University’s plan to closing those majors and minors. The board also recently approved the university’s plan to close the Malcolm Price Lab School at the end of the year. Now, the school is beginning the process of restructuring and making plans to “teach out” those programs that will no longer exist. Still, many students are questioning what will happen to their school in the future. According to University Spokesman Jim O’Connor, right now, enrollment numbers are good. “Everything we use as an indicator shows we are right on track,” O’Conner said.
He added that the budget-cutting measures are designed to keep those numbers up and keep the school competitive. Some students aren’t so sure.