Thursday, November 20, 2014

Enrollment woes could force Owens Community College into Fiscal Watch - Amulya Raghuveer, NBC 24

The school announced on Monday the start of a recovery plan to help stabilize finances while continuing to fulfill their role as an educational and economic provider in northwest Ohio. Owens has seen a 38% drop in enrollment over the past four years, leading to a loss of revenue from both tuition and state funding. The College says it anticipates being placed on Fiscal Watch, a state which would require them to report finances to the State more frequently and development and implement a 3-year- recovery plan, sometime in 2015. "We will be challenged to be more entrepreneurial, to share difficult sacrifices, and to move this college forward," Mike Bower, Ph.D., and President of Owens College told the gathering. "We can and WILL transform this College."