Tuesday, June 2, 2015

How student debt became a presidential campaign issue - Danielle Douglas-Gabriel, Washington Post

“We’re talking about over 40 million Americans who have student debt,” said Sarah Audelo of the Center for American Progress. “We have this multi-generational impact . . . and there has to be a conversation.” The latest data from the New York Federal Reserve shows that 65 ­­percent of student loans are held by Americans younger than 39, while people age 40 to 59 hold another 30 ­percent. The issue weighs heaviest on the minds of millennials, who have endured soaring college costs that forced many to take on tens of thousands of dollars in debt. A Harvard University Institute of Politics poll found that 57 percent of people under 30 believe that student debt is a major problem for young people. http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/how-student-debt-became-a-presidential-campaign-issue/2015/05/24/1463948e-f41c-11e4-b2f3-af5479e6bbdd_story.html