Tuesday, August 18, 2015

David Vanness became a spokesperson for UW faculty opposing Scott Walker’s budget - Pat Schneider, Cap Times

David Vanness didn’t intend to become a spokesman for opposition by University of Wisconsin faculty to Gov. Scott Walker’s assault on tenure and shared governance. It began gradually this spring as the campus grappled with a deep looming cut in state funding and Vanness and other academics anticipated the impact of a short-lived prospect of reorganization of the university as a public authority. Soon Vanness, 43, was being quoted not only in local and state publications, but in national coverage analyzing Gov. Scott Walker’s showdown with college professors. He penned opinion pieces, too, including one in the national education press headlined: “The Withering of a Once Great State University.” Vanness talked with the Capital Times about the UW-Madison faculty's resistance to Walker’s higher education policies and where it should go from here. http://host.madison.com/news/local/writers/pat_schneider/q-a-david-vanness-became-a-spokesperson-for-uw-faculty/article_025b0c24-828f-52f1-8844-1e05225a29b9.html