Friday, October 2, 2015

The University of Illinois’ College of ACES facing budget cut - Illinois Homepage

The University was founded on agriculture, and now these cuts could change the college's future. Hanna Moore grew up on a farm in southern Illinois. She's now a student at the U of I's College of ACES -- agricultural, consumer and environmental services. “I mean we're one of the best agricultural schools in the nation -- that's why I came here,” Moore says. She says she's disappointed that the state budget cuts are hitting so close to home. Neal Merchen is the associate dean of research at aces. “We're dealing with a reduction of about 7 and a half percent of our state budget, which is 3.7 million dollars,” he said. Without that money, college leaders have decided to close four of its seven off-campus crop research centers. It will include laying off nine workers.