Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Southeast Missouri State to lose $3.5 million from state in budget cuts - Mark Bliss, Southeast Missourian

Southeast Missouri State University faces "critical financial challenges" as a result of Gov. Eric Greitens' decision to withhold $3.43 million in core state aid for the school, university president Carlos Vargas-Aburto said Tuesday. The new governor announced Monday he would withhold $55.9 million in state funding for four-year universities, which amounts to more than half of all funding cuts announced for higher education. Greitens announced cuts Monday totaling $82 million for higher education as a whole, which includes community colleges and specific programs and projects on college campuses. Besides the core funding, Southeast also will see a cut of more than $100,000 to the school's academic program in cybersecurity, according to information released by the governor's office. http://www.semissourian.com/story/2377832.html