Saturday, July 1, 2017

East Central Projects Enrollment Decrease - Reflecting National Trend - Kavahn Mansouri, Missourian

The budget has been slimmed in nearly every area where there was fat to trim. In April, the board voted to increase tuition by $5 per credit hour, across the board. This was to offset the reality of a budget deficit and give the college some breathing room. Without the hike, the college would have had to avoid an enrollment decrease of no more than 2 percent. Now, with the $5 tuition hike, the college would have to have an enrollment decrease of roughly 9 percent to have a budget deficit caused by enrollment. Bauer said he’s cautiously optimistic enrollment will improve with student recruitment and retention strategies. Focusing on recruiting new students and reaching out to current students may be the key to, hopefully, getting more students to come and stay, he said.