Monday, October 9, 2017

Students Speak Out About Importance of State's Scholarship Program - Kathleen Megan, Courant

Students and college leaders said Monday that if the Republican budget passed by the General Assembly stands, students will be left without the state scholarship aid they were counting on for second semester. “Honest if that scholarship went away, I wouldn’t be able to finish my bachelor’s degree, I wouldn’t be able to have my full-time job I have lined up after I graduate,” said Kevin Contreras, a senior at the University of Hartford who says he has a job offer from Hartford Hospital. Sydney Parker, a senior at Goodwin College said that she already works 30 hours a week to help pay her bills. Without state aid through the Roberta B. Willis Scholarship program, she’d have to work full time. “And that wouldn’t really work for me, trying to finish my degree this June as well as doing all my homework and applying for graduate programs.”