Friday, August 17, 2018

UNK students battled back on NU budget cuts - TIFFANY STOIBER, Kearney Hub

“Students understand the importance of eliminating inefficiencies and finding more sustainable operations within higher education,” read the letter to state Sen. John Lowe of Kearney. “In fact, many of us learned about efficiency, budgeting and financial management in our business classes here at UNK. However, among the already deep cuts forced upon the university, there are few options left to pursue without eliminating major academic programs or athletic teams.” “The challenges that face our state are not easy, and we understand,” the letter concluded a couple of paragraphs later. “As future business and community leaders, lawyers, doctors, teachers and farmers, we are prepared to help combat these challenges that lie ahead. And once we overcome these challenges, we will owe our thanks to our alma mater — and you — for our preparation.”