Monday, August 19, 2019

UW requesting $31.3 million more in state funding - Daniel Bendtsen, Laramie Boomerang

The University of Wyoming has requested the Legislature appropriate $31.3 million more in biennial funding for the 2021 and 2022 fiscal years. The bulk of that, $28 million, is being requested to boost the university’s standard operations. UW leaders have also asked for the budget of the School of Energy Resources, which funded separately from the university’s block grant, to be increased by $1.3 million. That additional funding for SER would go to paying for an academic director, who’s charged with “reinvigorating enrollment to work with academic department to ensure continued delivery of required course, and to coordinate the efforts of SER Faculty in their contributions to SER’s mission,” according to the funding request approved by the UW Board of Trustees in July.