Saturday, July 31, 2010

UNC tuition trauma - Greensboro News-Record Editorial

University of North Carolina system students who are lucky enough to have summer jobs better start working overtime because they have bigger bills to pay. Much bigger. Tuition and fees on all campuses are bounding upward by alarming rates — including 20 percent for in-state, undergraduate students at N.C. A&T and 17 percent at UNCG. Blame the legislature, which cut $70 million from the system’s budget. In turn, individual campuses have taken a share of the hit and were authorized by the Board of Governors to pass the pain to students. The chancellors defended their response: “While I am extremely concerned about the additional burden this puts on students and their families,” UNCG’s Linda Brady wrote to her campus community, “we must protect the quality of UNCG’s academic programs and our ability to provide students with the classes and support they need to graduate.”