Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Latest budget would deepen N. D. higher ed reductions - Andrew Haffner and John Hageman, Prairie Business

In the face of continued budget reductions across the North Dakota University System, University of North Dakota President Mark Kennedy said he will continue to promote UND while working to accommodate state funding cuts. “We’re going to keep making our case with the Senate, House and governor as best we can between now and April as to the value we can deliver to the state and its citizens,” he said. Kennedy and other UND representatives spoke to the merits of their university Monday in Bismarck before the Senate Appropriations Committee as part of a two days of testimony delivered by NDUS leaders. The previous budget of Gov. Jack Dalrymple recommended a 15 percent reduction to higher education across the state system, though suggested 5 percent could be made up with tuition increases. By Jan. 5, state legislators had approved a revised budget forecast that made use of a less optimistic outlook on state revenues.